“I like to think that what really makes a difference (in the world) is how you act as a person and not the color of your skin or the name on your passport.”
Samuel Suarez photographed in Mexico City by Rodrigo Alvarez in collaboration with Gucci for Dapper Tapper’s May 2022 Digital Cover Story.
21-year-old Venezuelan model Samuel Suarez moved almost 5 years ago to Mexico City. When he first arrived, Suárez worked at a bakery shop. Today, he’s become one of the most popular young models in the country – and little by little, he’s getting closer to a very personal goal: conquering the industry worldwide. “To me, Mexico City is the city of opportunities. It’s the city that lets your dream and live how you want.”
DT: What does Venezuela represent in your life?
Samuel: “My turbulent and beautiful home. My childhood’s place. It’s where I keep secrets that will last for a lifetime and unfortunate situations that became a habit. It’s the constant reminder of where I come from and where I want to go.”
DT: When you were little, what were the things that made you dream?
Samuel: “Since I was very little, I was always very passionate about astronomy and the endless secrets of the universe. I would look at the sky and couldn’t help but dream of the moment in which I’d finally get to know the planets and galaxies out there.”
DT: What’s your favorite word in Spanish and why?
Samuel: “Arepa- because I eat it everyday.”
DT: Who’s the persona that inpires you the most?
Samuel: “My mom. She’s the person that no matter if the world is falling apart, with a few words or a hug, can always make me feel like everything will be alright.”
Samuel wears all clothes Gucci.